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Report No.

Improvement of radiation damage calculation in PHITS and tests for copper and tungsten irradiated with protons and heavy-ions over a wide energy range

Iwamoto, Yosuke   ; Niita, Koji*; Sawai, Tomotsugu; Ronningen, R. M.*; Baumann, T.*

The radiation damage model in the PHITS has been improved using the screened Coulomb scattering to evaluate the energy of the target PKA (Primary Knock on Atom) created by the projectile and the secondary particles from the nuclear reactions. For the high-energy proton and $$^{3}$$He incident reactions, a target PKA created by the secondary particles was more dominant than a target PKA created by the projectile in DPA calculations. Therefore, the improved PHITS can calculate DPA values at high energies and TRIM leads to severe underestimation where projectile energy is high enough to create nuclear reactions. Thus improved PHITS is applicable to evaluate the displacement cross sections for the various particles and over a wide energy range and to calculate DPA values determined by different particles and fluxes in an irradiation environment.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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