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Report No.

Collection and analysis of existing information on applicability of investigation methods for estimation of beginning age of faulting in present faulting pattern

Doke, Ryosuke; Yasue, Kenichi; Nakayasu, Akio; Niizato, Tadafumi  ; Tanikawa, Shinichi; Tanaka, Takenobu*; Aoki, Michinori*; Sekiya, Ayako*

In this study, existing information related to methods for the estimation of the beginning age of the faulting in the present faulting pattern on the active fault were collected and reviewed. A principle of method, noticing points and technical know-hows in the application of the methods, data uncertainty, and so on were extracted from the existing information. Based on these extracted information, task-flows indicating working process on the estimation of the beginning age for the faulting of the active fault were illustrated on each method. Additionally, the distribution map of the beginning age with accuracy of faulting in the present faulting pattern on the active fault was illustrated.



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