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Report No.

Systematic measurement of lineal energy distributions for proton, He and Si ion beams over a wide energy range using a wall-less tissue equivalent proportional counter

Tsuda, Shuichi  ; Sato, Tatsuhiko   ; Takahashi, Fumiaki  ; Satoh, Daiki   ; Sasaki, Shinichi*; Namito, Yoshihito*; Iwase, Hiroshi*; Ban, Shuichi*; Takada, Masashi*

Deposit energy distribution in microscopic site is basic information for understanding of biological effects of energetic heavy ion beams. To estimate RBE, lineal energy, $$y$$, can be an appropriate physical index. In this work, a wall-less tissue equivalent proportional counter has been designed and used for the measurement of $$y$$ distributions, $$y$$$$f$$($$y$$), for 160 MeV H, 150 MeV/u He, 290 MeV/u C, 490 MeV/u Si and 500 MeV/u Ar. Data of $$y$$$$f$$($$y$$) were also obtained in the wide range of LET. The dose-means of $$y$$, $$overline{y}$$$$_{D}$$, were compared with those calculated by the microdosimetric function of PHITS. It is found that the calculated $$y$$$$f$$($$y$$) and $$overline{y}$$$$_{D}$$ agree fairly well with those measured. The values of $$overline{y}$$$$_{D}$$ are larger than those of LET less than $$sim$$10 keV/$$mu$$m because of the discrete energy deposition by delta rays, while the relation is reversed above 10 keV/$$mu$$m. The results indicate that care should be taken in the difference between $$overline{y}$$$$_{D}$$ and LET when the values of RBE of energetic heavy ions are estimated.



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