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Report No.

Evaluation of environmentally assisted cracking using Brinell indentation

Ioka, Ikuo  ; Kiuchi, Kiyoshi; Ito, Takeshi*; Takizawa, Masayuki*; Fukai, Tsuyoshi*

In order to develop evaluation technology for environmentally assisted cracking, the crack susceptibility of specimens with Brinnel indentation was examined in the corrosive environment. The multiaxial stress field was formed around the indentation. The residual stress around the indentation was analyzed by three dimensional FEM. Moreover, the residual stress was measured by the X-ray diffractometer. After the corrosion test, some cracks that expanded in the direction of the diameter were observed at the tensile residual stress area. The prospect of evaluation technology for environmentally assisted cracking under the multiaxial stress field was obtained from the results.



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