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Evaluation of local deformation behavior accompanying fatigue damage in F82H welded joint specimens by using digital image correlation


中田 隼矢; 谷川 博康

Nakata, Toshiya; Tanigawa, Hiroyasu


In tensile and fatigue testing, the deformation behavior of local domains of tungsten inert gas (TIG) and electron beam (EB) welded joint specimens of F82H steel was evaluated by using digital image correlation. For the tensile test specimens, tensile strength declined in the TIG welded joint material and ductility declined in both the EB and TIG welded joint materials. Because axial strain increased in the tempered heat-affected zone (HAZ) and led to fracture of the TIG welded joint material, strength was considered to deteriorate. In fatigue testing, the number of cycles to fracture for the welded joint material decreased to less than 40-50% that for the base metal. For both fracture metals, shear strain exhibited the largest value approximately between the fine-grained HAZ and the tempered HAZ, leading to fracture. Cavities and macrocracks formed in the fine-grained HAZ and tempered HAZ in the fracture metal cross section, and geometrical damage possibly resulted in deterioration of fatigue lifetime.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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