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Efforts towards improvement of systems codes for the Broader Approach DEMO design


中村 誠; Kemp, R.*; 宇藤 裕康; Ward, D. J.*; 飛田 健次; 日渡 良爾*; Federici, G.*

Nakamura, Makoto; Kemp, R.*; Uto, Hiroyasu; Ward, D. J.*; Tobita, Kenji; Hiwatari, Ryoji*; Federici, G.*


For fusion research directed at electricity generation in the ITER and post-ITER era, it is necessary to define development targets toward DEMO including plasma parameters and engineering requirements such as magnetic field and divertor heat flux. In general as a first step of systematic reactor design, systems analysis is performed in order to estimate reactor operation windows with engineering constraints. Thus, evaluation of existing systems analysis codes or development of systems codes is essential for basis of fusion reactor plasma parameters and engineering requirements. In this paper we report recent our efforts towards improvement of systems codes for the BA DEMO design, i.e. benchmarking the two systems codes the Japan and EU home teams are managing. The main result is that calculation outputs from the two codes are in good agreement.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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