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Gutzwiller method for an extended periodic Anderson model with the c-f Coulomb interaction


久保 勝規 

Kubo, Katsunori

We study an extended periodic Anderson model with the Coulomb interaction $$U_{cf}$$ between the conduction and f electrons by the Gutzwiller method. The crossovers between the Kondo, intermediate-valence, and almost empty f-electron regimes become sharp by $$U_{cf}$$, and for a sufficiently large $$U_{cf}$$, these crossovers become first-order phase transitions. In the Kondo regime, a large enhancement in the effective mass occurs as in the ordinary periodic Anderson model without $$U_{cf}$$. In addition, we find that a large mass enhancement occurs also in the intermediate-valence regime by an effect of $$U_{cf}$$.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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