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Report No.

Appropriate quantity of energy imparted by energetic heavy ion beams for biological dose estimation

Tsuda, Shuichi  ; Sato, Tatsuhiko   ; Takahashi, Fumiaki  ; Satoh, Daiki   ; Sasaki, Shinichi*; Namito, Yoshihito*; Iwase, Hiroshi*; Ban, Shuichi*; Takada, Masashi*

Deposit energy distribution in microscopic site is basic information for understanding of biological effects of energetic heavy ion beams. To estimate relative biological effectiveness, RBE, lineal energy, y, can be an appropriate physical index because it can treat each energy deposition by a single event of both incident primary heavy ions and secondary particles. In the present work, a wall-less tissue equivalent proportional counter, wall-less TEPC, has been used for the measurement of y distributions, yf(y), for 160 MeV H, 150 MeV/u He, 290 MeV/u C, 490 MeV/u Si and 500 MeV/u Ar ions. It is found, from the systematic results, that the calculated yf(y) and dose-averaged y (yD) agree fairly well with those measured. The results indicate that care should be taken in the difference between yD and LET when the values of RBE of energetic heavy ions are estimated.



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