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Production of criticality safety standard data with Monte-Carlo code MVP / nuclear data library JENDL-3.2 validated using ICSBE data

Tonoike, Kotaro ; Suyama, Kenya; Okuno, Hiroshi  ; Miyoshi, Yoshinori; Uchiyama, Gunzo 

The 1st version of criticality safety handbook of Japan was published in 1988. A criticality safety analysis code system JACS was validated, and minimum critical mass and safety limit mass of various fissile materials were calculated. During more than two decades since then, new critical experimental data were taken in the Static Critical Experiment Facility (STACY), and more precise benchmark data of wider range of fissile materials were accumulated by the International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project (ICSBEP). Computational capability has greatly grown, and new codes and nuclear data have been developed. The 2nd version of the handbook utilizes the results of validation of the criticality analysis method with a continuous energy Monte-Carlo code MVP and a nuclear data library JENDL-3.2 using the benchmark data chosen from the ICSBEP handbook. Results of the benchmark calculation were statistically studied, from which the safety limit value of multiplication factor was derived as 0.98. Based on the conclusion, minimum critical mass and safety limit mass were calculated. Future plan of research activities on the criticality safety in JAEA will be also overviewed.



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