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Synchrotron radiation $$^{57}$$Fe-M$"o$ssbauer spectroscopy using nuclear monochromator

Mitsui, Takaya; Masuda, Ryo; Hirao, Naohisa*; Mibu, Ko*; Seto, Makoto

An energy domain synchrotron radiation SR $$^{57}$$Fe M$"o$ssbauer spectrometer has been developed using a pure nuclear Bragg reflection from an oscillating $$^{57}$$FeBO$$_{3}$$ single crystal at the N$'e$el temperature. The spectrometer can filter the Doppler-shifted single line $$^{57}$$Fe M$"o$ssbauer radiation with neV order bandwidth of from a broadband SR source. This beam allows the researchers to easily perform conventional transmission and scattering M$"o$ssbauer spectroscopy MS with some excellent beam properties. In this paper, the design, performance and recent states of the developed SR MS spectrometer are reported. Moreover, the application studies, features, advantages and potential benefits of newly measurement techniques are presented, which include the study on the magnetic phase transition of iron related hydrides under ultrahigh hydrogen pressures, the local analysis of thin films with grazing incidence geometry and the feasibility study of Rayleigh scattering of $$^{57}$$Fe M$"o$ssbauer radiation.



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Category:Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical



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