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Report No.

Liquid leakage from the sea release pipe of the Tokai reprocessing plant; Cause investigation of the leak, 1; Progress from mechanical damage to the leak

Wakimoto, Fumitsugu; Morimoto, Kenji; Terunuma, Tomohiro ; Ozeki, Tatsuya ; Iwasaki, Shogo; Inami, Shinichi

To investigate the cause of the leak phenomenon from the sea release facilities of the Tokai reprocessing plant, the part of the pipe having the leak point was collected, and the investigations such as surface observation, chemical analysis etc. were performed. As a result, following things were shown as estimated causes; the leak point of the release pipe was mechanically damaged during the construction, breaking occurred on the damaged part by a successive change; and the leak occurred. This paper reports the details of the identified cause that the initial damage by external force would affect the leak phenomenon of the sea release piping.



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