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Report No.

Development of absorbing material for Cs using inorganic composition

Takahashi, Akira*; Kawamoto, Toru*; Tanaka, Hisashi*; Sugiyama, Yutaka*; Esaka, Fumitaka  ; Watanabe, Masayuki   ; Arisaka, Makoto ; Nankawa, Takuya 

Inorganic composite is generally durable to radiation compared to organic materials. This type of materials would be useful for the development of adsorbents to radioactive elements from the view of the functionalization by the inorganic component. We developed adsorbents for radio-cesium by using the composites which consists of adsorbents of cesium cation and inorganic materials. As the result of the development, we successfully synthesized inorganic magnetic composites which maintain the absorbability of Cs.



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