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Report No.

New ORIGEN2 libraries based on JENDL-4.0 and their validation for long-lived fission products by post irradiation examination analyses of LWR spent fuels

Kojima, Kensuke; Okumura, Keisuke ; Asai, Shiho; Hanzawa, Yukiko  ; Okamoto, Tsutomu; Toshimitsu, Masaaki; Inagawa, Jun; Kimura, Takaumi ; Kaneko, Satoru*; Suzuki, Kensuke*

Accurate inventory estimation of long-lived fission products (LLFPs) in LWR spent fuels is important for the quality management and for long-term safety assessment of high-level radioactive vitrified wastes. In Japan, ORIGEN2 has been widely used to estimate the fuel compositions. However, equipped library data in the original ORIGEN2 are old and are not validated enough for LLFPs, such as $$^{79}$$Se, $$^{99}$$Tc, $$^{126}$$Sn and $$^{135}$$Cs, because available post irradiation examination (PIE) data are limited for these nuclides, which have difficulties in radiochemical analyses. For more accurate the estimation, new ORIGEN2 libraries are developed from the latest nuclear data library JENDL-4.0 for cross sections and fission yields, and from other libraries for half-lives, and so on. The new libraries are validated by PIE analyses of the sample fuels irradiated in Cooper, Calvert-Cliffs-1, H. B. Robinson-2, and Ohi-1. As a result, it was found that the new library gives good results for the estimation.



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