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Report No.

Supernova neutrino nucleosynthesis of the radioactive $$^{92}$$Nb observed in primitive meteorites

Hayakawa, Takehito; Nakamura, Ko*; Kajino, Toshitaka*; Chiba, Satoshi; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki  ; Cheoun, M. K.*; Mathews, G. J.*

Short-lived radioactivities are used as nuclearcosmochronometers for understanding the free decay time from the last nucleosynthesis episode until the time of solar system formation (SSF). $$^{92}$$Nb (half-life of 34.7 Myr) is one of a short-lived isotope existed at SSF. However, there is a controversy in that the inferred initial abundance ratios for $$^{92}$$Nb/$$^{93}$$Nb at the time of SSF cluster around two different values; one is near 10$$^{-3}$$, while the other is near 10$$^{-5}$$. Moreover, the astrophysical mechanism for the synthesis of $$^{92}$$Nb has remained an unsolved problem. Here we argue that conventional nucleosynthesis mechanisms cannot produce $$^{92}$$Nb and propose a new mechanism for the nucleosynthesis of this isotopebased upon neutrino induced reactions occurring during core-collapse supernova explosions.



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Category:Astronomy & Astrophysics



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