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Minimization of reactive power fluctuation in JT-60SA magnet power supply


島田 勝弘; 寺門 恒久; 山内 邦仁; 松川 誠; Baulaigue, O.*; Coletti, R.*; Coletti, A.*; Novello, L.*

Shimada, Katsuhiro; Terakado, Tsunehisa; Yamauchi, Kunihito; Matsukawa, Makoto; Baulaigue, O.*; Coletti, R.*; Coletti, A.*; Novello, L.*

In JT-60SA, the four thyristor converters in poloidal field coil (PFC) power supplies are used for plasma initiation. In this case, the large reactive power fluctuation induced by the "Booster PS" is the cause of large voltage fluctuation across the terminals of the motor-generator. To minimize the reactive power fluctuation during plasma initiation, an asymmetric control method and a sequential timing control to start/stop each "Booster PS" are foreseen. To evaluate the effectiveness of above control methods for the "Booster PS", the reactive power has been simulated by using "PSCAD/EMTDC" code. From the simulation it results that the reactive power induced by the four units of the "Booster PS" can be dramatically reduced. In addition, the voltage fluctuation of the motor-generator connected to the "Booster PS" is expected to be suppressed to less than 10%, which ensures the stable control of JT-60SA magnet power supplies.



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分野:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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