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Nuclear pasta in supernovae and neutron stars

Watanabe, Gentaro*; Maruyama, Toshiki  

In supernova cores and neutron star crusts, nuclei with exotic shapes such as rod-like and slab-like nuclei are expected to exist. These nuclei are collectively called nuclear "pasta". For the past decades, existence of the pasta phases in the equilibrium state has been studied using various methods. Recently, the formation process of the pasta phases, which has been a long-standing problem, has been unveiled using molecular dynamics simulations. In this review, we first provide the astrophysical background of supernovae and neutron stars and overview the history of the study of the pasta phases. We then focus on the recent study on the formation process of the pasta phases. Finally, we discuss future important issues related to the pasta phases: their astrophysical evidence and consequences.



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