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Report No.

Electronic states of alkali metal amide and alkaline earth metal amide

Kamakura, Nozomu; Takeda, Yukiharu   ; Yamagami, Hiroshi; Miyaoka, Hiroki*; Tsubota, Masami*; Ichikawa, Takayuki*; Kojima, Yoshitsugu*; Muro, Takayuki*; Kinoshita, Toyohiko*

Metal amide has been attracted much attention as a lightweight hydride being considered for high capacity hydrogen storage materials. In this research, the electronic states of the insulator alkali metal amide (KNH$$_{2}$$, NaNH$$_{2}$$) and alkaline earth metal amide (Ca(NH$$_{2}$$)$$_{2}$$, Mg(NH$$_{2}$$)$$_{2}$$) are investigated by the soft X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) and absorption spectroscopy (XAS) in the total fluorescence yield mode. The localized character of the valence electrons is shown by the sharp three peak structure commonly observed in the XES spectrum of alkali metal amide. The localized character of the valence electrons is shown by the sharp peak structure commonly observed in the XES spectrum of alkali metal amide. The broadening of the N 2p states by the hybridization is observed in the XES spectrum of the alkaline earth metal amide. Decomposition temperature of the metal amide is found to relate to the character of the chemical bond observed in the XAS.



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