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Report No.

Effect of cation exchange on hydrogen adsorption property of mordenite for isotope separation

Kawamura, Yoshinori; Iwai, Yasunori; Munakata, Kenzo*; Yamanishi, Toshihiko

Zeolite easily exchanges its cation to another. In this work, synthetic mordenite type zeolite (Na-MOR) was used as start material. And, its cation (Na$$^{+}$$) has been exchanged by Li$$^{+}$$, K$$^{+}$$, Mg$$^{2+}$$ and Ca$$^{2+}$$. Then, adsorption capacities of H$$_{2}$$ and D$$_{2}$$ on them were investigated at 77 K, 159 K, 175 K and 195 K. Adsorption capacities on Li-MOR and Ca-MOR became larger than that on Na-MOR at low pressure range. Oppositely, that on K-MOR became smaller. In case of alkaline metal, cation with small atomic number may lead to large adsorption capacity.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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