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Report No.

Simple formula to evaluate helium production amount in fast reactor MA-containing MOX fuel and its accuracy

Akie, Hiroshi  ; Sato, Isamu; Suzuki, Motoe; Serizawa, Hiroyuki  ; Arai, Yasuo

A simple formula is developed for the evaluation of the helium production amount in the fast reactor fuel. For the subroutine use in the existing fuel behavior analysis code, the formula is designed putting emphasis on simplicity and quickness rather than accuracy. The accuracy of the formula is confirmed by comparing with the detailed calculation with SWAT code, and also with the post irradiation examination (PIE) results of the fuel pin irradiated at the experimental fast reactor JOYO. As a result, the formula is found to evaluate the helium amount with the difference of less than about 10% from the detailed calculation and from the PIE results. Based on these results, the formula is installed in the fuel behavior analysis code for the simulation of helium behavior in fast reactor fuels.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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