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Report No.

Morphology-controlled synthesis of Mo compounds from a nitric acid solution by the microwave heating and/or Zr-addition

Osaka, Masahiko  ; Tanaka, Kosuke  ; Sekine, Shinichi; Akutsu, Yoko ; Suzuki, Tatsuya*; Mimura, Hitoshi*

Morphology-controlled synthesis of Mo compounds from a nitric acid solution by microwave heating was investigated for effective utilizations of Mo fission product from a high level nuclear waste. The microwave heating method was revealed to greatly accelerate crystallization and crystal growth of the synthesized powder. Addition of a small amount of Zr stabilized synthesis of a hexagonal-MoO$$_{3}$$ powder. Furthermore, the microwave heating with Zr-addition has synthesized a specific urchin-like shaped hexagonal-MoO$$_{3}$$ crystal having a good crystallinity. The present methods would be useful for effective utilization of Mo from high level nuclear waste in terms of their practicability and ability to the morphology control.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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