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Report No.

Study of JT-60SA tokamak assembly

Kubo, Hirotaka; Arai, Takashi; Hasegawa, Koichi; Hoshi, Ryo*; Kawashima, Hisato; Maesaki, Yoshitaka; Masaki, Kei; Sawai, Hiroaki; Shibanuma, Kiyoshi; Tabe, Masato; Tsukao, Naohiro; Yagyu, Junichi

The JT-60SA tokamak, which is a large superconducting tokamak, needs to be assembled consistently with high precision; assembly of the JT-60SA tokamak has been studied. The absolute coordinate system for the assembly is defined on the basis of the coordinate system of the JT-60 torus hall. The origin ((x, y, z) = (0, 0, 0)) of the absolute coordinate system is defined to be the center of the VV in the plasma operation. A consistent global scenario of the assembly is studied. Assembly procedures and tools for major components such as the TFCs are studies.



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