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Plasma operational domain and the status of the project for JT-60SA


井手 俊介; JT-60SAチーム

Ide, Shunsuke; JT-60SA Team

One of the objectives in JT-60SA is to establish a plasma operational scenario of high normalized beta ($$beta_{N}$$) and high bootstrap current fraction ($$f_{BS}$$) towards a steady-state tokamak DEMO. Towards this, integrated achievement and sustainment of high confinement, high $$beta_{N}$$ stability, full non-inductive current drive and heat and particle control are required. For this, various kinds of the operational scenarios have been developed and their performance have been investigated. By utilizing the JT-60SA actuators, it is expected on JT-60SA that an advanced plasma of high $$f_{BS}$$ of $$gt sim 60%$$, a high $$beta_{N}$$ of $$sim 4.3$$ is sustained fully non-inductively at 2.3 MA, for example. Towards ITER and DEMO relevant regime, operation at a higher current is also desired. JT-60SA is designed to operate up to 5.5 MA for this. In this presentation, expected plasma domain and the latest status of the construction will be explained.



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