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Report No.

Higher order terms of the guiding-center transformation and the gyrokinetic quasi-neutrality condition

Miyato, Naoaki; Scott, B. D.*; Yagi, Masatoshi

The standard gyrokinetic model, which is originally formulated for perturbations with short wavelength and small amplitude, is not always valid in the long wavelength regime. The reduced (gyrokinetic) Poisson equation or the gyrokinetic quasi-neutrality condition in the standard model is no longer sufficient to obtain electrostatic potential in the long wavelength regime. Since the polarization term including the electrostatic potential goes to higher order, the other higher order terms which are not considered in the standard model are needed to obtain the electrostatic potential. Taking into account a higher order displacement vector associated with the guiding-center transformation, we find additional higher order terms coming from nonuniformity of magnetic field in the gyrokinetic Poisson equation and the quasi-neutrality condition.



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