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Microstructural evolution under irradiation studied by cluster dynamics

阿部 陽介  ; 實川 資朗

Abe, Yosuke; Jitsukawa, Shiro


It is known that the presence of even a small amount of impurities in interstitial positions can have a drastic influence on the one-dimensional (1D) motion of self-interstitial atom (SIA) loops depending on temperature and thus the accumulation of radiation damage in materials. In this study, a conventional cluster dynamics (CD) model have been extended to allow 1D motion for SIA loops. In addition, the CD model was developed by taking into account the trapping effects of 1D migrating SIA loops by ether V-C complexes or solute atoms, and preliminary calculations were performed. Results of calculation and those of irradiation experiments for $$alpha$$-iron and austenitic stainless steel were compared. The difference and underlying mechanism of microstructural evolution between $$alpha$$-iron and austenitic stainless steel is discussed.



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