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Report No.

Sample environment equipment for neutron scattering experiments at JRR-3

Shimojo, Yutaka; Ihata, Yoshiaki; Takeda, Masayasu  ; Kaneko, Koji   

One of characteristics of neutron is its high-transparency to materials. This feature makes it possible to carry out neutron scattering experiments under various sample environments (temperature, magnetic field, electric field, pressure, stress and so on). Therefore sample environment equipment such as a refrigerator, a dilution refrigerator, a furnace, an electromagnet, a superconducting magnet and the other apparatuses is indispensable to users of neutron scattering experiment facilities. It is very important for the equipment to be ready for use at any time. So far, equipment provided at JRR-3 was not always in good condition because we did not have sufficient staff who could keep watching them. In order to improve this situation, we organized a sample environment (SE) team to maintain the existing apparatuses and develop new devices for the sample environment at JRR-3.



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