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Migrating source of energetic radiation generated by thunderstorm activity


鳥居 建男  ; 杉田 武志; 鴨川 仁*; 渡辺 泰行*; 楠 研一*

Torii, Tatsuo; Sugita, Takeshi; Kamogawa, Masashi*; Watanabe, Yasuyuki*; Kusunoki, Kenichi*


We identify a migrating source of high energy radiation, lasting for several minutes, attributed to thunderstorm activities through the observations of radiation, atmospheric electric field, and meteorological radar echoes at several points. Our findings indicate that the energetic radiation is emitted continuously from a downward hemispherical surface without lightning, the bottom of which is about 300 m above sea level, and this source of radiation moves from north to south above the observation site at a speed of about 7 m/s. The radiation source probably moves along with the negatively charged region of the cloud at the height of around 1 km, because the estimated migration of the radiation source is consistent with the observed movement of atmospheric electric field variation between ground-based observation sites and with the wind speed and direction at about 1 km altitude. This movement implies that the intensive electric field produced by the charged region in the thundercloud generates a radiation source. In addition, our results suggest that the low altitude of radiation source is related to no lightning activity during the energetic radiation emission.



- Accesses




分野:Geosciences, Multidisciplinary



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