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Neutron scattering studies of the spin-5/2 antiferromagnetic linear trimer substance SrMn$$_3$$P$$_4$$O$$_{14}$$

Hase, Masashi*; D$"o$nni, A.*; Ozawa, Kiyoshi*; Kitazawa, Hideaki*; Sakai, Osamu*; Pomjakushin, V. Y.*; Keller, L.*; Kaneko, Koji   ; Metoki, Naoto   ; Kakurai, Kazuhisa; Matsuda, Masaaki*; Yang, T.*; Cong, R.*; Lin, J.*

We determined the magnetic structure below $$T_{rm N1}=2.2(1)$$ K of the spin-5/2 antiferromagnetic (AF) trimer substance SrMn$$_3$$P$$_4$$O$$_{14}$$ using neutron powder diffraction experiments. The incommensurate propagation vector is expressed as [0, $$k_y$$, 0], due to competition between the nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor interactions in trimerized chains. The value of $$k_y$$ is 0.316 to 0.331, changing rapidly at $$T_{rm N2}= 1.75(5)$$ K. We confirmed that the intra-trimer $$J_1$$ interaction is AF. The magnetic excitation peaks were obsereved at 0.46, 0.68, and 1.02 meV. The weak Q dependence indicates the discrete energy levels, which do not contradict the AF trimer model with the intra-trimer interaction value of 0.29 meV (3.4 K).



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Category:Physics, Condensed Matter



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