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Report No.

Overview of Fast Reactor Cycle System Technology Development Project (FaCT) phase 1 and future direction

Ieda, Yoshiaki ; Ono, Kiyoshi ; Negishi, Hitoshi ; Shiotani, Hiroki; Nagaoki, Yoshihiro ; Namba, Takashi

Since 1999, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has promoted R&D of the Fast Breeder Reactor Cycle in order to build the practical concepts and establish the technical systems, in cooperation with related entities. In the first 5-year of the Fast Reactor Cycle System Technology Development Project (FaCT), namely the FaCT phase1 (JFY2006-2010), the evaluation of the achievement degree to the performance target fixed by the Atomic Energy Commission and the adoption judgment of the innovative technology at present were carried out with "Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor with MOX fuel, advanced aqueous reprocessing process, and simplified MOX pellet fabrication process". FaCT phase1 moved forward almost smoothly and confirmed that the project will be able to enter the next phase to demonstrate the innovative technology by the engineering scale examination. The concrete results of the FaCT phase1 and future direction are introduced in the full paper.



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