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Prospects of fusion simulation research for BA IFERC-CSC

BA IFERC-CSCに向けた核融合シミュレーション研究の展望

矢木 雅敏

Yagi, Masatoshi

IFERC-CSC (Computational Simulation Center in International Fusion Energy Research Center) is one of the projects of BA (Broader Approach) in Rokkasho, Japan. It will be available to a scientific community of more than 1,000 European and Japanese fusion researchers for the next five years starting from January 2012. The mission is to exploit large-scale and high performance fusion simulations which contribute to the fusion development (ITER & BA). The plasma theory and simulation group in JAEA has been promoted the NEXT (Numerical EXperiment of Tokamak) project, which is directed at understanding the complex properties of fusion plasmas and predicting the physical processes in the next generation of tokamaks, using recently advanced computer resources. In this presentation, the prospects of fusion simulation research for BA IFERC-CSC will be discussed briefly based on the extension of NEXT project in JAEA.



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