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Report No.

Development of new imaging techniques using pulsed neutrons

Sato, Hirotaka; Shinohara, Takenao   ; Kamiyama, Takashi*; Kiyanagi, Yoshiaki*

Time-of-flight neutron imaging is a new analysis tool to study engineering materials because it can non-destructively give position-dependent information on various physical and chemical properties in a bulk specimen over the wide area with good spatial resolution. In the low energy region, Bragg edges appear in a transmission spectrum, and include various crystalline structural information. The methodology of the quantitative visualization of strain has been already developed. However, texture and grain size have not been deduced yet. Hence, we developed a comprehensive Bragg edge analysis code "RITS" to deduce not only strain but also texture (preferred orientation) and crystallite size. In the school, we will report the present status of neutron imaging at pulsed sources, e.g., the RITS code, the quantitative imaging of strain, texture and crystallite size, and also the quantitative tomography of nuclide density and temperature by using epithermal neutron resonance absorption.



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