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Utilization of JRR-3 and JRR-3 users office


内海 渉; 松江 秀明 ; 川上 淳; 加倉井 和久

Utsumi, Wataru; Matsue, Hideaki; Kawakami, Jun; Kakurai, Kazuhisa


After a large-scale modification in 1990, JRR-3 (Japan Research Reactor-3) has been operating seven cycles per year (175 days) with a thermal output of 20 MW, and has been utilized for various neutron beam experiments and neutron irradiation. For neutron beam experiments, 19 instruments owned by JAEA and 14 instruments constructed by universities are in operation. These instruments are used for structural determination of crystals and proteins, dynamical studies of materials, radiography, residual stress measurements, prompt $$gamma$$-ray analysis, etc. More than 600 proposals were accepted and about twenty thousand users visited JRR-3 in FY2010. JRR-3 users office started its service in April of 2010, which provides various user supports related to the procedures for working at JRR-3.



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