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Report No.

NMR determination of noncollinear antiferromagnetic structure in TbCoGa$$_5$$

Tokunaga, Yo  ; Saito, Yo*; Sakai, Hironori   ; Kambe, Shinsaku  ; Sanada, Naoyuki*; Watanuki, Ryuta*; Suzuki, Kazuya*; Kawasaki, Yu*; Kishimoto, Yutaka*

We report NMR studies of TbCoGa$$_5$$, which has the tetragonal HoCoGa$$_5$$ structure and exhibits two antiferromagnetic (AF) transitions at $$T_{rm N1}$$=36.2 K and $$T_{rm N2}$$=5.4 K. From a symmetry analysis of internal magnetic fields at orthorhombic Ga sites, we have successfully determined the magnetic structures in the AF-I ($$T_{rm N2}<T<T_{rm N1}$$) and AF-II ($$T<T_{rm N2}$$) phases. The AF-I phase is a collinear AF order with a propagation vector $$q=[1/2, 0, 1/2]$$ and ordered moments parallel to the [001] direction. In the AF-II phase, on the other hand, we found a non-collinear AF structure described by double propagation vectors $$q_1=[1/2, 0, 1/2]$$ and $$q_{2}=[0, 1/2, 1/2]$$, where the moments tilt away from the [001] direction toward [100], keeping a constant value along the [001] direction. In the context of these results we discuss the possible presence of magnetic frustration in this system.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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