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Magnetic structure determination of Ce$$T_{2}$$Al$$_{10}$$ ($$T$$ = Ru and Os); Single crystal neutron diffraction studies

Kato, Harukazu*; Kobayashi, Riki; Takesaka, Tomoaki*; Nishioka, Takashi*; Matsumura, Masahiro*; Kaneko, Koji   ; Metoki, Naoto   

Neutron diffraction studies of Ce$$T_{2}$$Al$$_{10}$$ ($$T$$ = Ru and Os), which shows an anomalous transition at $$T_{0}=27$$ K for CeRu$$_{2}$$Al$$_{10}$$ and at 29 K for CeOs$$_{2}$$Al$$_{10}$$, have been carried out using single crystal samples. In the ordered state below $$T_{0}$$, obvious superlattice reflections have been found, indicating the appearance of ordered magnetic moments. The magnetic structures of both compounds could be commonly explained with a propagation vector $${rmbf q}= (0, 1, 0)$$, where collinear antiferromagnetic moments with magnitudes of 0.42(1) $$mu_{rm B}$$ for CeRu$$_{2}$$Al$$_{10}$$ and of 0.29(1) $$mu_{rm B}$$ for CeOs$$_{2}$$Al$$_{10}$$ are aligned along the $$c$$-axis.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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