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Report No.

Development of high-grade VPS-coating of tungsten on plasma-facing materials with high heat load resistance

Tokunaga, Tomonori*; Watanabe, Hideo*; Yoshida, Naoaki*; Nagasaka, Takuya*; Kasada, Ryuta*; Ezato, Koichiro; Suzuki, Satoshi; Akiba, Masato

Coating by vacuum plasma splay W (VPS-W) is one of a promising method to protect plasma facing components from the serious heat load and plasma bombardment. However, physical properties of VPS-W on F82H reported so far is not good enough for fusion application due to its rather porous structure. Present work showed that formation of epitaxially grown columnar grain structure is essential to get dense coating with higher heat diffusivity. In case of W splay on F82H, which must be kept at lower temperatures under the coating, rather large W powders removed smaller ones is very effective to form uniform columnar texture.



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