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Report No.

Current status of bulk texture measurement technique by neutron diffraction

Xu, P. G.   ; Suzuki, Hiroshi  ; Akita, Koichi; Moriai, Atsushi; Metoki, Naoto   

The precise measurement of textures of materials is essential for optimizing anisotropic properties of polycrystalline materials. Neutron diffraction, different with the X-ray diffraction and the electron diffraction, enables to measure large samples with large beam spot and to get bulk average information including texture with high statistics and to evaluate the microstructure evolution under various environments, especially for multiphase materials and coarse-grained materials. Here, the instrument status of MUSASI-L and RESA-2 neutron diffractometers at JRR-3 were reported and the high reliability of neutron diffraction bulk texture measurement technique was demonstrated. Finally, several application cases of texture evaluation of metallic materials including ARBed IF steels, multilayered steel composite and magnesium alloy were simply introduced.



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