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 年 ~ 

Atomic physics of relativistic high contrast laser-produced plasmas in experiments on Leopard laser facility at UNR


Safronova, A. S.*; Kantsyrev, V. L.*; Faenov, A. Y.; Safronova, U. I.*; Wiewior, P.*; Renard-Le Galloudec, N.*; Esaulov, A. A.*; Weller, M. E.*; Stafford, A.*; Wilcox, P.*; Shrestha, I.*; Ouart, N. D.*; Shlyaptseva, V.*; Osborne, G. C.*; Chalyy, O.*; Paudel, Y.*

Safronova, A. S.*; Kantsyrev, V. L.*; Faenov, A. Y.; Safronova, U. I.*; Wiewior, P.*; Renard-Le Galloudec, N.*; Esaulov, A. A.*; Weller, M. E.*; Stafford, A.*; Wilcox, P.*; Shrestha, I.*; Ouart, N. D.*; Shlyaptseva, V.*; Osborne, G. C.*; Chalyy, O.*; Paudel, Y.*

The results of the recent experiments focused on study of X-ray radiation from multicharged plasmas irradiated by relativistic sub ps laser pulses on Leopard laser facility at UNR are presented. These shots were done under different experimental conditions related to laser pulse and contrast. In particular, the duration of the laser pulse was 350 fs or 0.8 ns and the contrast was varied. The thin laser targets made of a broad range of materials (from Teflon to iron and molybden to tungsten and gold) were utilized. Specifically, the new L-shell Fe spectral features indicating non-stationary ionization and hot electrons, K-shell Mg features with dielectronic satellites from high-Rydberg states, and the new K-shell F features with dielectronic satellites including exotic transitions from hollow ions are highlighted.



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分野:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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