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Report No.

Application of neutron engineering diffractometer RESA in cryogenic engineering

Suzuki, Hiroshi  ; Tsuchiya, Yoshinori*; Machiya, Shutaro*; Osamura, Kozo*; Akita, Koichi

Neutron diffraction method can measure a strain inside materials at centimeter-order depth non-destructively. Besides, the neutron diffraction method enables us to evaluate microstructural factors such as texture, dislocation density and block size by analyzing the broadening of the diffraction profile. Therefore, the neutron diffraction is very useful technique in the design and development of engineering components, as well as in studies on materials engineering. In the cryogenic engineering field, it is important to know the characteristics of engineering materials at low temperatures. In particular, evaluations of residual strains as well as deformation behavior at low temperatures are required to improve the strength and functionality of cryogenic materials. To achieve such materials evaluation at low temperatures, we have developed a cryogenic load frame for neutron diffraction. In the presentation, the angular dispersive neutron engineering diffractometer, RESA, located in the JRR-3 (Japan Research Reactor No. 3) guide hall will be introduced including application studies with the developed cryogenic load frame.



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