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Report No.

Radionuclide release to stagnant water in Fukushima-1 Nuclear Power Plant

Nishihara, Kenji  ; Yamagishi, Isao ; Yasuda, Kenichiro   ; Ishimori, Kenichiro ; Tanaka, Kiwamu ; Kuno, Takehiko ; Inada, Satoshi; Goto, Yuichi 

After the severe accident in the Fukushima-1 Nuclear Power Plant, large amount of contaminated stagnant water has been produced in turbine buildings and those surroundings. This rapid communication reports calculation of radionuclide inventory in the core, collection of measured inventory in the stagnant water, and estimation of radionuclide release ratios from the core to the stagnant water. The present evaluation is based on data obtained before June 3, 2011.



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