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Report No.

Deuterium retention in F82H after low energy hydrogen ion irradiation

Ito, Tatsuya*; Yamauchi, Yuji*; Hino, Tomoaki*; Shibayama, Tamaki*; Nobuta, Yuji*; Ezato, Koichiro; Suzuki, Satoshi; Akiba, Masato

The influence of 50 eV hydrogen ion irradiation on the deuterium retention and desorption behavior in the reduced activation ferritic-martensitic steel F82H was investigated by thermal desorption spectroscopy. The amount of retained deuterium in the hydrogen irradiated F82H was up to 10 times larger than without the hydrogen irradiation. In the F82H irradiated by the low energy hydrogen ions at 300 and 523 K, the desorption peak of deuterium was shifted to lower temperatures than for samples unirradiated or irradiated at 773 K. In the F82H irradiated by hydrogen at 773 K, the amount of retained deuterium decreased compared to materials irradiated at 300 or 523 K.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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