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Report No.

Neutron triple-axis spectrometers in the research reactor JRR-3

Kaneko, Koji   ; Kubota, Masato ; Osakabe, Toyotaka  ; Takeda, Masayasu  ; Wakimoto, Shuichi  ; Yamauchi, Hiroki   

In the research reactor JRR-3, three triple-axis spectrometers, used to measure structure factor in an arbitral Q-$${omega}$$ space, have been installed and operated by JAEA. The three spectrometers, TAS-1, TAS-2 and LTAS have different characteristics in energy range, resolution, and accessories with each other. Uniqueness of TAS-1 installed at the reactor hall is intense neutron flux up to high energy and its availability of modern polarised neutron devices. TAS-2 accepts clean neutron beam with low background due to its location. The other characteristics are its possibility to accommodate various extreme sample environments. In contrast, LTAS uses the cold neutron. In return for a limited access in Q-$${omega}$$ space, LTAS realises higher energy resolution, and accepts of wide range of accessories as TAS-2. A complementary use of these triple-axis spectrometers offers an optimum performance in inelastic neutron scattering experiments to study dynamics of materials.



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