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Report No.

HBC foil beam study and long-term observation at the 3-GeV RCS in J-PARC

Yoshimoto, Masahiro  ; Saha, P. K.   ; Yamazaki, Yoshio ; Kawase, Masato; Saeki, Riuji; Hayashi, Naoki  ; Yamamoto, Kazami   ; Hotchi, Hideaki  ; Ishiyama, Tatsuya; Kinsho, Michikazu  ; Sugai, Isao*; Irie, Yoshiro*

The HBC foil are installed in the J-PARC RCS for the charge-exchange H$$^{-}$$ beam injection. In order to examine the characteristics of the HBC foils, beam studies for the HBC foil were carried out from the viewpoint of foil's life time and the beam survival rate due to foils. According to the compromise between charge-exchange efficiency and foil scattering beam loss, we optimized the foils thickness for user operation. The long-term observation during the user operation as well as the HBC foil endurance test for its life time evaluation was carried out. Even after one year was operation, there was no deterioration of the stripping foil.



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Category:Materials Science, Coatings & Films



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