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Report No.

Development of the environmental data management system

Tatebe, Kazuaki ; Suzuki, Yurina; Shirato, Seiichi; Sato, Yoshinori

The recent society requires business activities with environmental consideration to every enterprise. Also, Japanese laws require those activities. For example, "Environmental Consideration Law" mandates publication of a report relating to the activities of environmental consideration to each enterprise over a certain size. "Act on the Rational Use of Energy" mandates the report of the results of energy consumption and the long-term plan of the rational use of energy. Moreover, "Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures" mandates the report of the greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to those, "Water Pollution Control Law" and other environmental laws as well as environmental ordinances require business activities with environmental consideration to all companies. So, it is very important for JAEA to report business activities with environmental consideration in order to build up trustful relations with the people and communities. The Environmental Data Management System has been developed as the data base of business activities with environmental consideration at JAEA and the means to promote the activities at every site and office of JAEA. This report summarizes the structure of the environmental data management system, kinds of environmental performance data treated by the system, and gathering methods of the data.



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