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Report No.

Revised version of SSCAT; Simplified shielding calculation system for high energy proton accelerator facilities

Oguri, Tomomi*; Masukawa, Fumihiro  ; Nakane, Yoshihiro  ; Nakashima, Hiroshi

The simplified shielding calculation (SSCAT) system is a calculation system for radiation shielding design of high energy proton accelerator facilities, based on Moyer's and Tesch's formulae for bulk shielding and Stapleton's formula for neutron skyshine. SSCAT was originally developed for conceptual shielding design calculations of the J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) facilities, and was recently revised in order to cope with safety analysis for the licensing of the J-PARC facilities and shielding design for other proton accelerator facility. This report describes the recent status of SSCAT.



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