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Report No.

Analysis of $$T$$$$_{rm e}$$/$$T$$$$_{rm i}$$ effect on confinement properties

Narita, Emi*; Takizuka, Tomonori*; Hayashi, Nobuhiko; Fujita, Takaaki; Ide, Shunsuke; Honda, Mitsuru; Isayama, Akihiko; Itami, Kiyoshi; Kamada, Yutaka; Tanaka, Yasuyuki*; Iida, Masaki*; Fukuda, Takeshi*

In order to improve the prediction capability of confinement properties in burning plasmas with intensive electron heating, we have re-visited the DB3v10 International H-mode Confinement Database with emphasis on the temperature ratio $$T$$$$_{rm e}$$/$$T$$$$_{rm i}$$ and considerations on kinetic profiles. It was thereby found that the impact of $$T$$$$_{rm e}$$/$$T$$$$_{rm i}$$ is more apparent for discharges with peaked density profiles. Namely, HH factor improves with an increase of peakedness in the density profile for $$T$$$$_{rm e}$$/$$T$$$$_{rm i}$$ $$<$$1, whereas it tends to deteriorate with the density peaking for $$T$$$$_{rm e}$$/$$T$$$$_{rm i}$$ $$>$$1. The confinement scaling with a contribution of $$T$$$$_{rm e}$$/$$T$$$$_{rm i}$$ was also elaborated. In addition, the influence of $$T$$$$_{rm e}$$/$$T$$$$_{rm i}$$ described above was examined qualitatively with GLF23 and GS2 codes, which provided results corroborating the performed regression analysis, indicating the interplays of ITG and TEM.



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