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Report No.

Synthesis and properties of novel cesium containing Lanthanide-organic framework

Nankawa, Takuya ; Ogoshi, Yurie; Watanabe, Masayuki   

Removal of cesium by porous materials from various environments has recently attracted much attention because of the Fukushima crisis. The behavior of cesium in the presence of porous materials, such as Cs uptake selectivity and permeability, may depend on the sizes of porous materials but the relationship is not revealed yet because controlling the pore sizes were difficult. On the other hand, Metal-organic framework (MOF) materials that have highly-ordered pore and the pores sizes of which can be controlled by selecting appropriate ligands and metals have been investigated in these two decades. We synthesized novel lanthanide-organic framework containing cesium ions with the formula of LnCs(ox)$$_{2}$$ (Ln = La, Eu, Tb, Er, Yb, Lu), the pore sizes of which can be precisely controlled by changing lanthanide ions, to investigate the relationship between Cs permeability and pore sizes.



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