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Report No.

Intra-pellet neutron flux distribution measurements in LWR critical lattices

Yoshioka, Kenichi*; Kikuchi, Tsukasa*; Gunji, Satoshi*; Kumanomido, Hironori*; Mitsuhashi, Ishi*; Umano, Takuya*; Yamaoka, Mitsuaki*; Okajima, Shigeaki  ; Fukushima, Masahiro   ; Nagaya, Yasunobu  ; Mori, Takamasa; Kitada, Takanori*; Takeda, Toshikazu*

We have developed an intra-pellet neutron flux and conversion ratio distribution measurement method. A foil activation method with special foils was used for the neutron flux distribution measurement. A $$gamma$$-ray spectrum analysis method with special collimators was used for the conversion ratio distribution measurement. Using the developed methods, intra-pellet neutron flux distributions and conversion ratio distributions were measured in critical experiments on a reduced-moderation LWR. Measured values were analyzed with a deterministic method and a Monte Carlo method. The neutron flux distribution measurements and analyses agreed within the range of 1% to 2%. The conversion ratio distribution measurements and analyses were consistent with each other. We found that the measurement methods are useful for the validation of neutron behavior in a fuel pellet, which is known as micro reactor physics.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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