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Support system for training and education of future expert at PIE Hot Laboratories in Oarai JAEA; FEETS

Osaka, Masahiko  ; Donomae, Takako  ; Ichikawa, Shoichi; Sasaki, Shinji  ; Ishimi, Akihiro ; Inoue, Toshihiko ; Sekio, Yoshihiro  ; Miwa, Shuhei  ; Onishi, Takashi  ; Asaka, Takeo; Yamana, Hajimu*

Support system for training and education of future expert in hot laboratories of Oarai-JAEA, named FEETS, is presented. The system has been established based on research results on both characterization of Oarai hot laboratory and user-needs. Various programs under FEETS are also introduced.



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