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Report No.

Innovation on high-power long-pulse gyrotrons

Litak, A.*; Sakamoto, Keishi; Thumm, M.*

Progress in the worldwide development of high-power gyrotrons for magnetic confinement fusion plasma applications is described. After technology breakthroughs in research on gyrotron components in the 1990s, significant progress has been achieved in the last decade, in particular, in the field of long-pulse and continuous wave (CW) gyrotrons for a wide range of frequencies. At present, the development of 1MW-class CW gyrotrons has been very successful, these are applicable for self-ignition experiments on fusion plasmas and their confinement in the tokamak ITER. For this progress in the field of high-power long-pulse gyrotrons, innovations such as the realization of high-efficiency stable oscillation in very high order cavity modes, the use of single-stage depressed collectors for energy recovery, highly efficient internal quasi-optical mode converters and synthetic diamond windows have essentially contributed. The total tube efficiencies are around 50% and the purity of the fundamental Gaussian output mode is 97% and higher.



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Category:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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