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超臨界CO$$_{2}$$中における高速炉構造材料候補材の腐食挙動,4; 高クロム鋼の高温酸化成長挙動

Corrosion behavior of FBR candidate materials in supercritical CO$$_{2}$$, 4; Oxidation behavior of high Cr-alloy at elevated temperature

古川 智弘  ; 緑川 浩

Furukawa, Tomohiro; Midorikawa, Hiroshi


A key problem in the application of a supercritical carbon dioxide turbine cycle to a fast breeder reactor is the corrosion of structural materials brought about by supercritical carbon dioxide at high temperatures. In this research, metallurgical estimation of the corrosion specimens was carried out in detail. Furthermore, in order to understand the oxidization growth behavior in detail, the analysis result using EBSP is also reported.



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