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Report No.

On-the-fly computing on many-core processors in nuclear applications

Kushida, Noriyuki

Many nuclear applications require more computational power than the current computers can provide. Furthermore, some of them require dedicated machines, because they must run constantly or no delay is allowed. To satisfy these requirements, we introduce accelerators which can provide higher computational power with lower prices than the current processors. But the feasibility of accelerators had not well investigated. Thus, we applied the Cell and GPGPU to plasma stability monitoring and infrasound propagation analysis, respectively. In the plasma monitoring, we could achieve sufficient performance. On the basis of these results, we showed the potential of plasma monitoring by using our Cell cluster system. In infrasound propagation, we accelerated two-dimensional parabolic equation (PE) method by using GPGPU. By applying several optimization, we obtained $$times$$18.3 speedup on GPU from CPU. Our achieved computing speed could be comparable to faster but more inaccurate method.



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